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0 door base appliance case with standard toe kick and deck 0 door base appliance case with standard toe kick and deck
Retail Price: $351.95
Sale Price + Options: $219.95

Standard Base Appliance Case Base Appliance Case (dishwasher, trash compactor, etc)
Retail Price: $483.95
Sale Price + Options: $301.95

wall oven and cooktop base cabinet 0 door wall oven and cooktop base cabinet with wide top rail
Retail Price: $764.95
Sale Price + Options: $477.95

Base 1 Drawer Appliance Case Base 1 Drawer Appliance Case (dishwasher, trash compactor, etc)
Retail Price: $777.95
Sale Price + Options: $485.95

rangetop base cabinet 2 door RANGETOP base cabinet (*rangetop not included)
Retail Price: $807.95
Sale Price + Options: $504.95

Base wall oven cabinet with dual decks 0 door wall oven and cooktop base cabinet (DUAL DECK)
Retail Price: $844.95
Sale Price + Options: $527.95
Tall Appliance Case (free-standing refrigerator) Tall Appliance Case (free-standing refrigerator)
Retail Price $1,257.95
Sale Price + Options: $785.95
0 door refrigerator enclosure (fully integrated refrigerators) 0 door refrigerator enclosure (fully integrated refrigerators)
Retail Price $1,291.95
Sale Price + Options: $806.95
0 door double wall oven cabinet with double thick deck and top 0 door double oven cabinet with double thick deck and top
Retail Price: $1,318.95
Sale Price + Options: $823.95
2 drawer rangetop base cabinet 2 drawer rangetop base cabinet
Retail Price: $1,332.95
Sale Price + Options: $832.95

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